How to make your gemstone water and gemstone essence

How to make your gemstone water and gemstone essence

Gemstone water

Gemstone water can be simply made by placing your chosen stone in spring water. Make sure you cleanse the stone of all possible negative energy before you use it and programme it with the healing properties you require also.

If you want to make a small amount, just put the spring water in a clear glass, add the gemstone and leave on the windowsill in the sunlight for about 2-3 hours. Cover with a piece of white tissue or muslin.

Use your intuition to feel when it is ready to drink or dowse with a pendulum to check.

You can leave the water overnight if you wish and drink in the morning. It will store for a day or so in the fridge.

Gemstone  essence

The essences will keep much longer because they generally have alcohol in them to act as a preservative. If there is a problem with the alcohol content cider vinegar can be used.

There has also been some experimentation using a Japanese peppermint called Red shiso as a preservative in flower essences.

This could be explored for gem essences also.

Method for gemstone water and essence :

1. Place your chosen, cleansed gemstone into a clear bowl of spring water until it covers the stone.  Place in full sunlight for about 2-3 hours.

Some say that it should contain both sun and moon energy so leave for 24 hours. Use your intuition.

2. You will need a small, clean, dark brown bottle (it doesn’t need to be more than 50ml in size).

Fill the bottle half full with a very good quality brandy, preferably organic.

Fill the rest of the bottle with your gem water.

This is your mother essence.

3. Label the bottle with the date, type of stone and where it was made.

4. Make up your stock bottle. This is the essence that is for regular use.

Fill a clean dropper bottle (about 30mls) with 50% brandy and 50% spring water. Add 3-7 drops of your mother essence.

Shake gently or lightly tap the bottle to energise and combine the whole liquid.

Take drops as required.

Again label the bottle with the name of the person it is intended for, when bottled, your name as practitioner and how many drops to take daily.

5. Place between four and seven drops under the tongue when needed trying not to touch the mouth with the dropper as this can transfer bacteria to the essence. You can also take by adding the drops to a small amount of water and sipping this slowly.

In an emergency, you may need to take the essences quite frequently say, every hour. Generally I suppose 3-4 times a day would be beneficial. It depends upon the individual circumstances and requirements.

The effects of the essences are increased by the frequency of use NOT by taking more of the  essence.

Patience is required to get results. In some people they may take an immediate effect, for others it may take longer.

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